Alumni Events and Reunions

Business Directory Spotlight: Jake Pelayo ’17 & Baci Brunet ‘17

Business Name: Verbatim

Job Title: Founder & CEO

Where did you go to college/university: Brown University

What was your major: Social Innovation

Where do you currently reside: Brooklyn, NY

What keeps you busy during the week: During the day, I spend most of my time managing our internal team at Verbatim (now 20+ full-time employees) and working with our clients on content strategy and marketing. At night, I’m usually meeting with founders and investors to expand our network and deepen channel partnerships for the agency. Outside of work, I’m typically exploring Manhattan or Brooklyn, playing soccer or running, and catching up with friends at live music venues or new restaurants that recently opened.

How did Ransom Everglades prepare you for your future: Taking architecture classes with Ms. Dalins at the upper school was a great source of ongoing creativity – and a lesson in the value of taste. A large part of company building and entrepreneurship is about combining business acumen with premium design and curated taste – architecture was a great example of that.

What is your favorite Ransom Everglades memory: Definitely on the soccer field, on a winter Friday night under the lights playing against Gulliver. To this day, that’s one of my favorite memories at Ransom Everglades – prepping for the rival game all week long, wearing our jerseys at school the day of, lining up with teammates to the warmup songs, and battling it out under the lights with hundreds of chanting fans from both schools. 

What song was on repeat your senior year? All of the Lights (Kanye West) - We used to warmup to this on repeat before games!

Words of wisdom for your fellow alumni: Trust your gut instinct as much as you can. It’s there for a reason. Even if your gut is telling you to try something that’s not popular or exciting on the surface, take a swing and see where it takes you. That could be a new sport, a new class, or an after-school program, or something completely outside of academics.

Company name: Verbatim
Address: 1 Eagle Street, Brooklyn NY 11222
Phone: 305-343-9118

Founded in 1903, Ransom Everglades School is a coeducational, college preparatory day school for grades 6 - 12 located on two campuses in Coconut Grove, Florida. Ransom Everglades School produces graduates who "believe that they are in the world not so much for what they can get out of it as for what they can put into it." The school provides rigorous college preparation that promotes the student's sense of identity, community, personal integrity and values for a productive and satisfying life, and prepares the student to lead and to contribute to society.