Giving Priorities

Cost of Living Allowance



As Miami evolves as a city, its extraordinary growth brings unprecedented cost-of-living challenges to our professional community, including our faculty members. With the support of the board of trustees and school leaders, RE has unveiled an inspiring plan that will make living more affordable for faculty, ensuring that Ransom Everglades continues to attract the best and the brightest teachers from across the nation.

Inquire about supporting this fund

Our Goal

The school is dedicated to raising $30 million through the McMahon Faculty Endowment to provide annual stipends to full-time faculty members to directly subsidize the elevated cost of living. 

Our Values

As stated in The RE Way, we believe in the core values of Support & Community, Joy & Wellbeing and Honor & Excellence. This endowment is inspired by those values and will help us make an immediate and lasting difference in our community and enhance the student experience. 

Our Gratitude

We are grateful to Patrick and Kristen McMahon for their lead gift and passionate belief in supporting the foundation of our great school – our faculty. This endowment will help relieve the financial stress brought about by rising housing costs and allow our faculty to focus on what they do best: teaching. Our collective investment in RE faculty underscores our trust and confidence in their abilities and appreciation for their incredible contributions to our community.

List of 3 items.

  • J.P. Arrastía, English

    “As teachers, we provide support and guidance for our children and their families. The fact that Ransom Everglades is now assisting its teachers with the cost of living would allow us to provide that same support and guidance to our own children and families. This is another example of how our school leadership takes action to support its faculty!”
  • Maggie Berry, History & Social Sciences

    “While the tangible impact of this fund that enables teachers to live in and enjoy Miami is enormous, the emotional impact of knowing that the community cares about teachers’ quality of life is just as large. The generosity behind the McMahon Faculty Endowment exemplifies the care that the school functions with; we all look after each other.”
  • Marie Saint Hilaire, Mathematics & Computer Science

    “This initiative would be a blessing to all of us faculty members living here in South Florida in aiding us with rising prices in our daily expenses, such as rent/mortgage, homeowner’s insurance, food, gas, utilities, as well as creating or increasing our savings accounts for an unforeseen emergency.”


Faculty focused
A top priority for Ransom Everglades is the recruitment, hiring and retention of exceptional and devoted educators.

The school is dedicated to providing a cost of living annual stipend to full-time faculty members, affording them the flexibility they need to meet the rising costs of housing, transportation, childcare and more.

A lasting legacy
Your generosity will allow RE faculty to continue inspiring students and igniting a genuine curiosity for learning.

Contact Us

To learn more about supporting the endowment and naming opportunities within:

List of 1 members.

  • Photo of Victoria Williamson

    Victoria Williamson 88

    Director of Advancement
    Boston College - B.A.
Founded in 1903, Ransom Everglades School is a coeducational, college preparatory day school for grades 6 - 12 located on two campuses in Coconut Grove, Florida. Ransom Everglades School produces graduates who "believe that they are in the world not so much for what they can get out of it as for what they can put into it." The school provides rigorous college preparation that promotes the student's sense of identity, community, personal integrity and values for a productive and satisfying life, and prepares the student to lead and to contribute to society.